Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bill Broad And The New York Times Can't Handle The Truth

On Tuesday the New York Times published an article by Bill Broad that viciously attacked former Vice President Al Gore and his film An Inconvenient Truth. Mr. Broad and the NY Times allege in the title, From A Rapt Audience, A Call to Cool The Hype, as well as the opening paragraphs that the scientific community is "uneasy" and "that some of Mr. Gore’s central points are exaggerated and erroneous."

Mr. Broad then proceeds to offer complaints and expressions of unease from climate-change deniers with few if any actual scientific credentials. Mr. Broad further fails to indicate any exaggerations or errors in Mr. Gore's presentation.

For a full scale breakdown and proper debunking of this excuse for journalism please see the excellent article Debunking the NYT's sloppy hit piece on Gore by David Roberts.

As Mr. Roberts indicates Mr. Broad and the NY Times have simply regurgitated a tired set of inaccurate and false right wing talking points. Should the American public no longer expect journalists at one of the nations leading newspapers to do any real reporting or investigating?

The main stream media, the NY Times included, must return to actual, investigatory journalism, they have and are failing in their obligation to their readers, the American Public.

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