Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scott Simon Can't Handle The Truth

Teachers work hard and they deserve to be paid well.  An investment in the education system and educators is an investment in our children and the future of America itself.  Unfortunately NPR's Scott Simon doesn't seem to feel that way.

Here is my letter to NPR's Weekend Edition regarding Simon's comment's during last weekends interview with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

To Whom It May Concern,

I was shocked and saddened by Scott Simon’s repeated insistence last weekend that teachers do not work hard nor deserve to be paid better or even well for the work that they do (Duncan On Chicago: 'When Adults Fight, Kids Lose' Weekend Edition, 9/22/12).  Not to mention Simon’s ridiculous insinuation that he has as much effect over whether the Cubs win the World Series as the Secretary of Education has over the state of the American public school system.

Mr. Simon’s tone and dismissal of the incredible work that many of our nation’s teachers do was insulting; he owes the nation’s teachers, and his listeners, an apology.

You can read or listen to the interview here.  A recent study from The Gates Foundation determined that American teachers work 10 hours and 40 minutes in an average day, and research conducted by the Economics Policy Institute has found that American teachers are paid 12% less than other professions requiring a comparable amount of education and training. 

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